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1st Maximal Service Training in Guadalajara, Mexico

Post Time:2023-08-23

On August 21, 2023, MGS, the Maximal exclusive dealer of Mexico, held the first service training meeting in Guadalajara, Mexico.

At the meeting, HYG Field Service Manager, Mr. AI Serro did the training for Maximal A series, AA series, AX series lithium electric forklift for Mexican and other South American dealers. It was delivered not only by literal explanation but also on-site practicing.


MGS prepared a variety of small gifts for dealers, and they did receive a fruitful training.

With this training, dealers had a deeper understanding of the products and service concept of Maximal forklifts and were deeply impressed by the quality and easy service of Maximal lithium battery forklift. They are confident in the sales prospects of Maximal products and are willing to work with Maximal to create a better future.

Add:No.1 Jinxin Road, Lushan Industrial Area, Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.
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