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Post Time:2023-06-02

EXPO CONSTRUCCION-INDUSTRIA 2023 is an exhibition which organized by BOGOTA,COLOMBIA. 

At the same time, the exhibition also held an industry matchmaking meeting, allowing buyers and enterprises to have more direct face-to-face negotiations.


The exhibition has strong influence and obvious on-site effects, providing many opportunities for enterprises to explore the Colombian and South American markets.

With the continuous improvement of Colombia's economy in recent years, the government has increased its investment in infrastructure projects, more and more Chinese enterprises have come to Colombia to participate in local project cooperation.

A number of Maximal trucks are exhibited at the exhibition, which attracting the attention of many exhibitors. At this exhibition, there are also many small gifts of the Maximal to the audience.

Add:No.1 Jinxin Road, Lushan Industrial Area, Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.
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