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A warm celebration of RIBE ENERGY MACHINERY, S.L.

Post Time:2023-04-24

RIBE ENERGY MACHINERY, S.L., a non-exclusive distributor of Maximal, after several months of design and renovation, its headquarters finally completed in Spain. The whole building looks very large and bright. The staff of RIBE ENERGY MACHINERY, S.L. joyfully and enthusiastically showed Maximal the entire process of building the headquarters.


RIBE ENERGY's headquarters is a comprehensive building with offices, warehouses, showroom and other areas. On the first floor, there is a large warehouse with a lot of Maximal products, and there is also a Maximal product exhibition hall on the first floor. This showroom is a great way to present Maximal forklifts to customers in Spain. 


Several Maximal forklifts were displayed in this showroom, such as A series reach trucks, A series electric counter-balanced trucks, M series diesel forklifts, etc.


It is hoped that in the future, RIBE ENERGY can continue to strengthen management, improve the operation mechanism, constantly expand the scale, improve market competitiveness and promote it to a higher level.

Add:No.1 Jinxin Road, Lushan Industrial Area, Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.
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