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Open house in LIMA PERU——News letter July.,2022

Post Time:2022-07-27

On July 22, Maximal dealer held an open house event in LIMA, PERU. 

The whole event lasted a long time, from day to night. This event invited many partners and clients, they actively and enthusiastically shared their stories with Maximal over the years. The dealer also prepared memorable gifts for them, and everyone who got the souvenirs is very happy. 

In addition, several Maximal forklifts were displayed at the scene, such as FBAX series lithium battery forklifts、M series diesel forklifts, etc. The bright red became a very eye-catching landscape.

Our dealers continue to rise to the occasion, from a bold, entrepreneurial spirit to exceptional customer satisfaction and business performance. In the future, we will strive to cater to the changing and developing market and meet the diverse material handling needs of our clients.

Add:No.1 Jinxin Road, Lushan Industrial Area, Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.
Sales Tel: 0086-571-28205156 0086-571-28037691
Sales Tel: 0086-571-28205156 0086-571-28037691
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