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Maximal hold 2016 Annual Commendation Meeting--------------News letter Jan.,2017

Post Time:2017-01-20
Maximal Monthly News 
Issue #1701–Jan., 2017

Jan 13th, Maximal held 2016 Annual Commendation Meeting, company senior leaders attend this meeting, excellent staffs and outstanding work teams are commended.
Through this meeting, Maximal staffs enhanced communication, shared achievements, and sum up experience, all the staffs are inspired to work hard to get awarded in the new year. 
Maximal held this traditional meeting every year to encourage staffs, and express their heartfelt gratitude to all the staffs for their hard working over the past year. 

Maximal wish all families a happy Spring Festival and win a bright 2017.

DHF Intralogistik announced the 2015/2016 global forklift top 30 ranking
December 2016, the German famous logistics equipment magazine announced the global forklift manufacturer top 30 ranking. It’s considered to be the industry two authority rankings together with the United States "MMH" magazine. The change in the world currency exchange rate between 2015 and 2016 is relatively high, thus affecting the ranking situation.
Maximal ranked the 20th, rise up from the 22th of 2015. This is the result of Maximal 10 years of unremitting efforts and the support of their customers all the time. It’s the most powerful proof of Maximal products’ quality and market influence. 
Maximal will always provide excellent products and better service, commit to make greater contribution to the world industry forklift.

Chinese Lunar new year holiday notice
Chinese Traditional Spring Festival is on the way, we will take a 7 days holiday from 27th Jan. to 2nd, Feb.2017. If any related business, please contact with us ahead of schedule. Sorry for the inconvenience. Happy New Year!

Storage Forklifts Information
Below are the Maximal storage forklifts to 20th Jan. for your reference.
(Note: storage forklifts information below is updated monthly while the stork information is changing time to time, so the real-time stock information subjects to sales men’s feedback.)

Chinese Forklift Truck Export Order Statistics Reference
(Jan. to Dec. of 2016)

If you need different country order data, please feel free to contact us. 

Maximal Forklift News letter Center
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