Montacargas Maximal

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Maximal's Show of New Machines at Canton fair

Post Time:2013-05-04
Maximal’s Attendance at the 103rd Canton Fair
Maximal attended the 103rd Canton fair held in Pazhou complex from April 15th-20th. Maximal makes full use of this platform to achieve the communication with the existing customers and the search of potential customers.
With her updated forklifts exhibited, Maximal shows her persistent efforts to satisfy her customers. The visitors were especially impressed by her diesel forklift with latest cabin, and improved reach truck, which come into existence so soon. It’s the harvest time again for Maximal. Sales keep rising along with her outstanding partners on the increase.
Maximal’s popularity comes from her genuine concern for her clients. And her staff is devoted to consolidating this popularity with greater effort. Above all, Maximal is determined and will be determined to devoting herself to serving and satisfying her faithful partner in the future.

Oficina Internacional de Ventas:
      Jinxin Road 1, Lushan Industrial District
      Hangzhou, Provincia de Zhejiang (China)

Teléfono Latinoamérica y Brasil:+1-252-864-1474

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