Montacargas Maximal

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Maximal forklift service of the United Nations peacekeeping force--------Oct,2016

Post Time:2016-10-10

Maximal forklift service of the United Nations peacekeeping force
Recently, Maximal forklifts are delivery smoothly to UN peacekeeping force. It is the second time that Maximal is chosen as the forklift equipment procurement project again in the United Nations since Maximal participates in the post-disaster reconstruction work in Haiti in 2010.

Maximal products were trusted frequently by the forces
Maximal products were listed at the military procurement since 2008, and successfully won the bid every year when participate in the military equipment procurement projects. The most proud thing is that through the cooperation with the military scientific research institutions, Maximal successfully developed the first omni-directional platform forklift truck in domestic. The biggest feature of the trucks is flexible, convenient and comfortable handling. It can be realized in situ to zero radius, horizontal lateral walking, and arbitrary angle walking, by controlling both sides of the handle. It is completely subverting the traditional vehicle movement and control mode. The technology fills the domestic blank in the field of the cutting-edge technology.
Maximal rely on its advanced management pattern, highly efficient research and development ability, reliable product quality and excellent service, it repeatedly won the bid for the military success and major procurement projects.

Science and technology innovation ability is outstanding, fruitfulness
Maximal developed Rough Terrain forklifts with independent intellectual property rights of hydrostatic transmission and hydraulic transmission, it can be said to be China's first manufacturer that truly has the ability to independent production 4WD rough terrain forklift. After more than two years of research and development of "Reach Stacker" project start in 2012, when launched to the market, it meets customer's favor very much.

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      Jinxin Road 1, Lushan Industrial District
      Hangzhou, Provincia de Zhejiang (China)

Teléfono Latinoamérica y Brasil:+1-252-864-1474

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