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Maximal's On-line Customer Center----News letter May,2009

Post Time:2013-05-06
This is issue #18 – May 25, 2009 of the monthly newsletter for all respected customers of Maximal.
Maximal’s On-line Customer Center
This month Maximal accomplished the preliminary construction of the new website. Maximal added on-line Customer Center into the new website. This measure is taken to elevate the quality of service.
Customer Center is composed of four parts -----Spare Parts Purchase, After-sale Service, Internal Notification and Message Board. In the first part, customers could search the suitable parts and look for the purchase history. Customers would put his/her warranty claim and check the processing status of his/her claim by part 2. On-line communication even can be effected to solve the claim. Part 3 is used to convey notification to Maximal’s existing customers. Customers could receive the latest news and trends here. The last part is set up to lend an ear to the opinions of all  the customers.
Customer Center is the outcome of Maximal’s self-promotion. However, as a new growth, it can’t be perfect. Please don’t hesitate to make comments or suggestions if you have any.
Enclosed pictures of Customer Center for your reference:

Add:No.1 Jinxin Road, Lushan Industrial Area, Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.
Sales Tel: 0086-571-28205156 0086-571-28037691
Sales Tel: 0086-571-28205156 0086-571-28037691
Sales Tel:0086-571-28195513 0086-571-28037691

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